když uiž jsme teda dneska vstala v devět a začala pracovat a číst po dlouhé době maily tak bych se s váma podělila o jednu takovou básničku, kterou jsem našla v knížce, kterou právě čtu "Ecology into economics won't go" od Stuart McBurney. tak tu ji máte:
You can't go away from it
There is only "now", it's true to say
but since it's always "now", don't worry, it won't go away.
For example, if now at nine o'clock I say, "See you all at ten",
by the time I do see you, it's "now" again
There is only "here", it's true to say
but since "here" is everzwhere, don't worry, it won't go away.
There's a "here" waiting for zou, wherever you go,
but if you do ever manage to dodge it, please let me know.
You see, "here" is where you "now" is happening,
the two are closely knit,
they seems to be together all the time,
you can't get away from it.
Harry snodgrass Junior (1912)
Vaše Esi
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